Keeping it real.

Our responsibility to nature.

We support GMO free organic farming practices. Organic farmlands ‘give back’ to the soil by providing it with the essential natural nutrients it requires to grow rich, healthy plant life. Sustainable farming methods allow the soil time for regeneration between crops, maintaining the life of the soil for future generations.

Harvest, Revitalize + Regenerate

Too close to home

The genetic engineering of botanicals and animals is looming as one of the greatest and most intractable environmental challenges of the 21st Century.

Currently in the U.S, up to 92% of corn is genetically engineered (GE), as are 94% of soybeans and 94% of cotton (cottonseed oil is often used in food products). An estimated 75% of processed foods on supermarket shelves – from soda to soup, crackers to condiments – contain genetically engineered ingredients.

By removing the genetic material from one organism and inserting it into the permanent genetic code of another, the biotech industry has created an overwhelming number of organisms that are not produced by nature, and have never been seen on the plate. These include potatoes with bacteria genes, “super” pigs with human growth genes, fish with cattle growth genes, tomatoes with flounder genes, corn with bacteria genes, and thousands of other altered and engineered plants, animals and insects.

At an alarming rate, these creations are now being patented and released into our environment and our food supply.

The modern practice of GMO farming and its impact on biodiversity has shown to have significant negative health effects on the wildlife that feed from these crops, reducing pollination capacity, and disruption in the natural animal food chain. Similarly, increasing concern on human health effects from exposure to GMO’S is also gaining interest with recent scientific studies into adverse side effects showing new and unexpected effects and health risks posed by genetic engineering such as allergic reactions, toxicity, immunosuppression and loss of nutrition.

Through organic living, we show support for farmers and their farmlands who are choosing NOT to risk their healthy soil and the health of humans for ‘the quicker buck’.


Centre for food safety. GE food and your health, 2022. Accessed 10 February 2022




Healthy skin-care.